
Better Living

These seminars may be conducted for, and adapted to, meet the needs of a variety of audiences, church groups, community groups, workplaces, or health professionals. They range from individual health talks (20 minutes or more) to weekend or week-long seminars. The more time we have to work with, the more material can be covered.

They are designed to be practical so that at the end of each seminar, each participant can easily apply the instructions to his/her life. You may choose the seminar or subject that interests you, or tell us what the needs are so we can make a seminar or presentation package that best suits the need. Some of the seminars may be combined together depending on the time factor.

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Seminar Topics

Simple Home Remedies Workshop

Demonstration of simple and effective Natural Remedies including herbs, hydrotherapy, and the benefits and uses of activated charcoal, lymphatic exercises, and more.

3 hours or more

Nutrition and your Health

This seminar gives you practical, proven suggestions on how to eat your way back to health, lose weight, and feel better.

It covers the benefits of meal planning, enzyme nutrition, fats and oils, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

It also shows how to maximize your nutrition from childhood to adulthood and even change your children’s disposition and behavior. We cover how to get your child to fall in love with healthy foods.

3 hours or more

Stop-Smoking Seminars

The goal of this Seminar is three-fold:

  1. To cleanse the temple of nicotine
  2. To control withdrawal symptoms, and
  3. To cultivate new habits

Learn the beneficial effects of:

  • Fluids in flushing nicotine from the system
  • Water treatments
  • The true force of the will
  • Abstinence from articles of food, drink, and activities that would increase the craving for nicotine
  • And various other means to break the strongest urge to smoke

You will have informative lectures and audiovisual aids, develop alternative coping skills, and learn to use your will power while relying on Divine Aid.

This is the Breathe Free: the Plan to Stop Smoking program. It has helped over 20 million people worldwide to stop smoking.

Total abstinence from tobacco is required on “Day 1” of this program.

10-12 hours (two hours each evening for 5 to 9 days.)

The Natural Laws of Health

All life forms on earth require certain essential factors in order to grow healthfully.

Plants will not grow healthfully without these factors: water, sunshine, air, nutrition, electrical current, microorganism in the soil, etc.

Humans must have these essential factors in order to have good health and wellness: Nutrition, Exercise, Pure Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Fresh Air, Rest, and Trust in Divine power. These factors were provided by the Creator (Genesis 1-3) for the benefit of His creatures. In fact, with continual obedience to God, man would have lived forever without the least bit of pain or illness.

However, although the disobedience of our first parents caused certain changes, these factors (called “health laws”) are within the reach of all. Obedience to these laws, and the skillful use of them, will both prevent disease and be the safest and most effective remedies for the diseased body.

This Seminar is designed to show you the benefits of these laws, set forth their principles, and show you how to make them a part of your daily living to improve health and wellness.

4 or more hours

Health Talks

We frequently find it necessary to address the following subjects in-depth because they are so common:

  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Body Chemistry and Your Health
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Bowel Disorders

You can also suggest a disorder as a topic you’d like presented that’s not listed above.

1 hour or more

Disease, Its Nature and Cure

This seminar discusses:

  1. What are disease and health?
  2. The path that leads to the development of the diseased condition.
  3. The conflict that exists between the medical profession and the treatment of disease.
  4. Why modern medicine is the leading cause of death in the United States of America?
  5. The only sure ways to build health and prevent disease.

This is an excellent seminar for health professionals, medical missionaries, and anyone who desires to help their neighbors.

3 hours or more

Establishing Home-style Sanitariums

This class covers all the necessary information that is needed to establish and run a sanitarium in the home or other institution. The following subjects are covered:

  • The history of the Sanitarium work
  • Legal issues involved in operating sanitariums in the 21st century
  • The goal and mission of the Sanitarium
  • Using the home as a Sanitarium
  • How to merge the home life with Sanitarium routine and schedules
  • Basic start-up tools and equipment that are needed in a Sanitarium
  • Training that is needed in order to successfully operate a Sanitarium

And much more!

3 or more hours

We do not charge for these seminars. However, the sponsoring organization is responsible for travel expenses, food, and lodging. If the organization is able, we would appreciate a thank-offering if the seminar blessed the people and it was appreciated.